Friday, February 25, 2011

Project #2 progress

Okay, so my original idea consisted of taking pictures of Dick Cheney and merging them with images of the Terminator and Darth Vader and whatever else that would show him to be as evil as he actually is.  A couple of problems occured.  First thing, such pictures are actually somewhat common.  Secondly, the images I found just weren't working out.  So that idea has been tossed in favor of another one.  The new idea is a parody of high school stereotypes starring the Care Bears.  I hope it works out, I'm too tired to think of anything else right now.  I'm not even going to bother hunting down a picture of a highschool on Google, seeing as how I live across the street from one or I could go visit my old one.  Maybe I can even talk to students there to get their ideas about clique stereotypes that I could use.  I've already decided on using the jock, cheerleader, nerd, slut, and emo types, but there must be others I haven't thought of.

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