Friday, February 25, 2011

Chapter 1 Response

I thought that reading chapter 1 of the text book would be such a pain, what with all those pages to read.  But it wasn't so bad, a lot of pages were just pictures.  I find it rather amazing how much stuff can be done with digital tools, if I wasn't dead set on becoming a video game developer then digital art would definitely be an option.  There is a trend that I've noticed with digital and analogue photography, and that's how the photographer seems to go to a lot of trouble to set up just one or two pictures.  Like that one picture that was just the paths of lights made by people doing sign-language, there's no way anyone could figure that out just by looking at it.  I've had experience with photography before, in a class for black-and-white film photos, so I know about how dicey it can be to set something up.  Some photographer purists think that digital photography is the wrong way to go, that it's for people that want to take pictures without being professional or some such things but that's not what it's about.  Think about it, with digital cameras we can cut a lot of work from photography out of the equation, making production cleaner and more efficient and also allowing room for new things to be developed.  Another thing that got my attention were those 3D skewed skulls that were done.  It's such a cool and futuristic thing to be able to print things in 3D and could be really useful to me personally, if only I had access to the on campus 3D printer.  I like going to anime conventions, and I often need props to go with my costumes but I'm not much of a crafter.  So if I could just design 3D props on a computer and print them out, imagine the possibilities.  One last thing I'd like to know is if this text book will actually explain how to do any of these things ourselves, but other than that I've got nothing more to say.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job with your response. You receive full credit for chapter 1.
