Friday, April 22, 2011

Project #4: Writing the story

I'm still in the process of writing the story for my narrative project.  I've already picked out the song to go with the video, which will be a combination of a sort of comic book frame narrative with some simple animation to go with it.  It's the story of a fictitious future in which someone triggers an apacalyptic disaster that breeds countless monsters, and after surviving that, we have to go to war against the evil archfiends that were born from this.  The story doesn't go into detail with plot, characters, etc., it's more of a summary of events.  Actually, it's the prologue of a video-game story that I'm developing.  I've written up a quick and dirty outline of the narrative just to help me organize my thoughts and get an idea of what kind of pictures and dialogue I'll need for this project.

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