Friday, April 15, 2011

Project #3 Endgame

Because I went back and started over, it took me longer than expected to finish.  But it's done, and here are the pictures I used for research.

I did make an effort to do my own background for this project, but it didn't work out so well.  As for the characters, I chose to copy the art style of Chrono trigger to get more detail into the sprites rather than using the even more distorted sprites of FF6.  This is the final result.

The thing about video games these days is, they're trying to get further and further away from the digital aesthetic, trying to make everything look as real as possible.  So I decided to take stuff from a game and instead of making the graphics better, making them lower quality instead.  Great graphics are nice and all, but they're not all-important.  So I took characters from Final Fantasy 7 and gave them a 16-bit makeover, making them look more similar to characters from FF6 or Chrono Trigger to give them a really retro feel.  There is a definite contrast here, much more so than there would've been if I had turned a different game into something retro.  Other ideas I had included doing something with Mass Effect, turning Devil May Cry into a side-scrolling brawler, and giving a Wolfenstein 3D look to a scene from Bioshock, but I settled on this since it's part of a much longer series spanning so many console generations.

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