Thursday, March 10, 2011

Project #2: The Clique Bears

This is my twisted parody of the Care Bears.  The idea behind it is that we all have to watch shows when we're little kids that try to teach us values that society deems necessary for us to believe in, and what happens when we get older?  We turn into people like this.  There are five highschool clique stereotypes here, from left to right: emo bear, nerd bear, jock bear, cheer bear, and my personal favorite, the punk bear.  But I find that the stereotypes are just as shallow as the childhood values that society tries to program into us.  So it may be a good thing that we left behind those childhood lessons because the world is too complex to live by such simple ideals.

Project #2 The final pieces

The following are pictures that I used to finish off the project.
Next, we have the three bears that I created and the background I selected, which is my favorite spot at my previous college.  The bears are supposed to be in highschool, but I don't think it makes a difference.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Project #2 still going...

It's been hard to work with the picture that I already found online to use.

Disgustingly cheerful, I know.  I was able to make a couple of pieces using this one...

...but now I'm afraid the original picture has outlived its usefulness.  I would rather find these bears in more useful poses if I can help it.  I still have several more pieces that I need to make, somewhere in between 3 and 5.